
Game Changer’s editor and director Kamran is a BA Media & Communication graduate specialising in Digital Video for Web. In production his skills are most exercised through creative development and brainstorming. Focusing on film for the web, his main passion and skills lie within editing.



 Jade, producer, and camera operator for Game Changer is a BA Media & Communication graduate at Goldsmiths University. Specialising in Digital Video for Web, her focal skills are in planning, organising, and communicating. Within filmmaking, Jade’s passions lie within experimental storytelling and anything outside the box when producing content.





Joshua, camera, sound operator and assisting editor for Game Changer is a BA Media & Communication graduate at Goldsmiths specialising in Digital Video for Web. He encourages a great interest in attention to detail when it comes to planning a film project. Practicing video for the web his skills are evoking inspiration, editing and planning. He also created the website for the project.   

"Our project Game changer aims to divulge the unregulated abuse women receive in the concealed world of online gaming - the issue is so entrenched and normalised, it’s easily overlooked."